Frequently Asked Questions


What component frameworks does Merge support?

Currently, Merge supports React.js. You can try to run other frameworks wrapped in React.js but we can’t guarantee it will work.

What code languages does Merge support?

Currently, Merge supports React.js components defined in:

  • JavaScript with properties defined using PropTypes
  • JavaScript with properties defined using Flow type annotations
  • TypeScript with properties defined using TypeScript types

When Merge will be available?

Merge has been available for quite some time.
If you're interested, go to our Merge page and request access.

What is the newest version of Merge?

The newest version of Merge package is 3.0.0
If you installed Merge in your design system you can check it in package.json of your design system.

Does Merge support different branches of the code repository?

No, currently Merge works only on master branch.

How can I see my code component in my UXPin account

There are two ways to connect your design system through Merge to UXPin:

  1. Use continues integration tools (recommended)
  2. Use push command in the terminal with token stored inside

You can read more about that in this section

Can I change the position of nested components?

Yes, you can change it be dragging components on the layer panel. It changes the position of the layer, and the components.
You can nest or unnest components on the layer panel.

Technical issues

Experimental mode can't load

There is a load of things that can affect experimental mode, but we found that deleting file .uxpin-merge in your design system repository fixes it in most cases.

Merge wants to reload the page in experimental mode all the time

We recommend adding the flag --disable-tunneling in the command starting Merge. It requires to run Merge in Google Chrome.
You can find examples of adding --disable-tunneling in our repositories.

Why checkbox component is not getting checked on the preview?

It's a common symptom of "Controlled" form control without a correct @uxpinbind annotation. Read more about "Controlled" and "Uncontrolled" form controls in React.js documentation.

Why I can't type into the text field (text input) component on the preview?

It's a common symptom of "Controlled" form control without a correct @uxpinbind annotation. Read more about "Controlled" and "Uncontrolled" form controls in React.js documentation.